How to Make Him Miss You

Do you want to make your boyfriend miss you like crazy? If you said yes, you aren’t alone because everyone wants to have a chance to be missed by a guy. This can be a guy that you have a crush on or someone that you have been with before and you want to have them back or maybe you even want your new guy to miss you.

There is a line between being loving and kind and charming and playing games with someone. You have to figure out what side of the line that you are on and if you find that you are doing things to get someone to miss you that you would hate to be done to you, this can be a red flag for yourself. Do not play tricks if you want to be in a good relationship.

Just like you don’t want someone else playing games with you or hurting your feelings, you need to make sure that you aren’t doing it either. No one is worth you acting ugly for.

There is nothing wrong with being the best that you can be and having a goal to make someone miss you or wish that they were back with you. No matter if you end up with this person or not, here are some ways you can be the best you can be.

Don’t Always Be There

Do not always be there when your crush or someone you like messages you or needs you. Learn to be busy and if you aren’t, pretend to be. Spend your energy doing things that you love to do and don’t give up your life for him all the time.

You don’t want people to think that you are always there for them and if they message you, take time before you answer them. Don’t let them take advantage of you.

It is fine for your crush to wonder what you are doing. He doesn’t have to always know where you are or who you are with.

But the best way for you to do this is to stay busy in your life. Find hobbies that you love to do and work on being the best that you can be. Be busy in your life with things that make you happy.

Focus your life on doing things that allow you to have fun.

Don’t Message First

You shouldn’t always be the one to message him first. Are you always the one sending the first message? If so, take time off from doing this and make him have to reach out to you. If he doesn’t, don’t be upset, he might just be used to you making the first move.

If you stop contacting him for a while it might take him a bit to realize that you have done this. If he is shy or backward, it might take him longer to message you but if he likes you, he will message you.

Look and Be Your Best

Always go out looking your best. We like to see things and we are turned on by people that look good. You don’t have to always have all your makeup on and your hair perfect and you can be natural, just do not be dirty or gross.

Learn to flirt a little and let him see you at your best. Appearance will send him a message and you want it to be a good message.

Tell Him About Your Good Day

Go out and have fun and then tell him about it when he talks to you. Talk about what you do and where you went and how much fun you had. Let him wish he were around you.

On top of having fun, you are showing him that you have happiness and that you enjoy going out and doing things. You don’t have to always volunteer what you did that day but if he asks you, don’t hold back.

Let Your Body Talk

Be seductive in your body. This doesn’t mean to have sex with him but always communicate with your being. Subconsciously send out messages that you are interested.

Talk with your body language and always make eye contact. Look at him and look at his lips. Let him see you checking him out.


Mirroring means that you follow someone else’s body language. If he puts his hands on the table, you do it too.

Doing this can help him to know that you are wanting to be close to him. This can look funny if you copy him too much so always used moderation.

Mirroring is not just body language but if he gets excited when he talks, you do it too and smile a lot. Let him see that you like what he is doing and reciprocate it.

Most guys will take the lead when they are with you and if he does, mirror him.

Get Him to Talk

Do not tell your crush everything about you on the first date but tell him interesting things about you. Be a little personal and see if you can get him to open up to you some. Let him be intimate about the details and you do it too.

Don to share things that would cause him to run away and always protect yourself, just share small details that are intimate.

Tell Him to Spend Time with Others

Nothing is worse than someone that is overly clingy in a relationship. Learn to spend time with your friends and others and expect him to do the same.

Do not be with someone that you expect to be with you all the time and vice versa. You need to tell him that he needs to go out with his friends and have fun.

When you spend time apart, the time you spend together will be better. This also gives you a chance to miss one another and to realize how much you like each other.

If you are in a relationship, this is the time where you have to be careful not to be clingy. Figure out how much alone time you both need and make sure you both get it.

Cute Messages

When you are flirting with someone, you can send a hello or goodnight text to be a little flirty. Make sure that you don’t go overboard and that you are just being cute.

Once you are in a relationship, you can get more romantic but just let them know you are thinking about them.

If you are with your crush, send him flirty messages and have him thinking about you all day long.

Be There

Before a guy can know if he likes you or not, he has to know that you are safe and that you are there for him. Make sure that you build a foundation and that you show him that you are there for him.

If he has something going on that is a crisis for him, make sure that you go to him and help him with whatever is going on.

You need to show him that he doesn’t always have to have his guard up and he can trust you.

Show Interest

Show interest in things that he is interested in. If he loves sports, learn to love sports, and learn to be able to have a conversation about his favorite game. If this interest isn’t yours, learn to make it part of your passion.

Be receptive of what he likes and let him be the same for you. When you show someone that you are interested in what they are interested in, it shows that you like the same things and that you have something in common.

Small Things

Do little things for him such as bring him a coffee to work or put a cute note in his lunchbox. Doing these things will make him see that you are interested and will have him thinking about you.

Get to know him and when you go out to eat, pay attention to what he orders and then next time you can surprise him with his favorite meal.

Benefit of the Doubt

Avoid trying to send angry texts when your guy doesn’t respond to you right away. This can turn him off and cause him to see the worse in you. Learn to wait and do not be overly pushy. Be patient with him because he might be busy.

If he cancels a date, he might have something that he has to do but if you see this as being a pattern, this can be something that you need to work through or move on. Sometimes breaking a date is unavoidable though and you need to be patient and give him the benefit of the doubt.


A guy likes it when they are treated nice and when they are complimented. Always boost his ego and let him know how much of an impression he makes on you. Be positive with him.

If he tells you a joke, laugh at it and always listen to what he likes and what makes him happy. Be proud of him and let him see that you are attracted to him. Boost his confidence every time you can.

Don’t Be Hard to Get

One of the things about being hard to get is that it can work, or it can backfire. It depends on the guy as to how he is going to act.

If a guy likes you, he will not want you to play games with him. Do not be confused of he likes you or not and do not answer him right away if he texts you. This is not playing hard to get but not being overly zealous. Do not obsess over him and let him desire you more by making him make the first move.

Enjoy Life

You must learn to enjoy your life alone before you can enjoy being with someone. Find something that you love to do and find hobbies. Do things by yourself and enjoy having fun with you and you are alone.

Take care of yourself and focus on what you need. Be attractive to others and be someone that is fun to be around and exciting. Be positive and make sure that you are finding your own happiness in life.

Make sure that you let him see how good you are and let him see that you are happy and confident in your life. Inspire him to commit to you by being the best that you can be.

If he seems like he is losing interest in you, take time to pull away and let him see what he is going to miss.

How to Make Him Miss You

  • Don’t always be there when he messages you.
  • Don’t always message him first.
  • Look and act your best.
  • Have a fun day and tell him.
  • Use body language.
  • Use mirroring.
  • Get him to open up to you.
  • Get him to desire to spend time with you.
  • Send him cute messages.
  • Be there when he has a need.
  • Be interested in what he is interested in.
  • Do small things for him.
  • Don’t always jump to conclusions.
  • Boost his ego.
  • Stop being hard to get.
  • Love your life.

Signs Your Ex Might Be Missing You

Do you wonder if your ex misses you? If you do, you are not alone. Most people that go through a breakup want to know if they are still thought about and what their ex is up to.

Chances are if your heart has been broken, you might still have feelings for your ex and you might constantly think about what it would be like to get back together with him. The thing is, that is okay and whatever is going on in your life, it is normal to want to know if your ex has feelings for you or not.

One thing is that if they have feelings and you want to know if they still miss you or think about you, there are some signs that you can look for to know.

Running into You

If you find that you are out a lot and you seem to always run into your ex, this can mean your ex is going to all the places he knows that you frequent. This can be an accident but if it seems to be happening a lot, he might just miss you and want to run into you.


He might be always using an excuse to talk to you. He might want to communicate you and so he is always dm’ing you when he gets a change.

Social Media

When your ex misses you, he will make sure you see him. He will always comment on your pictures and on all the things you do on social media.

Asking About You

He wants to know what you are doing, and he doesn’t care to ask your friends what you are doing in your life or who you are seeing. He will ask your friends because he is still interested in your life.

Seeing Someone

Another thing that he will do if he misses you is to find out if you are seeing anyone. He will ask your friends or family or try to get his friends to find out if you are dating someone or not. This is a big sign that he is into you and wants to know what is going on with your life.

Texting You with Memories

If your ex is sending you memories and sending you texts about places or things you have done together, this is a sign he misses you.

He might be someone that is always trying to bring up things that trigger a memory. When he does this, it can cause you to miss him too.


If you are missing your ex and you want to know if he is missing you too, look at the signs above and if he is displaying any of those actions, he might want to give it a second try with you.

To Date or Not to Date Friends

A lot of people tell you not to date your friends, but the truth is, if you aren’t friends with the person that you are dating, do you really feel that the relationship will be good?

What to Expect

Dating someone that you are friends will be a way that you can know what to expect out of them. If you are dating someone you have never met before, you will be in the dark. Learn to research the person you are thinking about dating and look to see how he treats other people. Let him have time to show you who he really is.

Who You Really Are

Not only do you need to know who he is, he needs to know who you are. He needs to figure out if he feels lucky to have you. When he is ready to date you, you should both know if you are meant to be together and if you share the same values and ideas.


Relationships should not just be built around what someone looks like. Everyone knows that seeing someone is the first part of the attraction but if you don’t know anything else about that person, then you need to find out what other things about them are attractive to you.

Know their personality and what they believe about life. Looks are important but other things are equally as important.

Friend and Lover

Having great sex can be amazing but you need a relationship that is more than just sex. Sex can get boring as time goes on. You need to make sure that you have a friend before you have a lover so that your relationship can go beyond sex.

Friendship is Hard to Find

It is easy to find people to go out on dates and to have sex with, but it is not so easy to find someone that we enjoy talking to and going out with. Make sure you find someone that is a friend first and then a boyfriend second.

They Love You

Make sure that you are with someone that loves you. When you have someone that is a friend first, they will less likely break your heart and hurt you. Even if the relationship doesn’t work out, a friend will let you go with love in their heart and not hate.

Friendship is Reliable

Before you form any kind of relationship, know that being friends is more reliable than being boyfriend and girlfriend. Friends are always there and are loyal. If you are with someone that is not loyal or loving to you, the relationship cannot be saved when problems come along.

Strong Connection

Dating someone means that you have some kind of spark. This can be an exciting spark or something that you discover as your relationship grows. If you are friends with someone, you might find that you have something a little more than a friendship feeling.

Bro’s Before Hoe’s

Friendships should always come before romantic ventures. If you have a good boyfriend, he will be your number one go to but if you have a friend in trouble, you will always choose them over your boyfriend when the time is needed.

Friends Equal Boyfriends

When you think about dating people, you want to have someone that loves you and cares about you. You want someone that gets you for who you are. This is when dating a friend comes along. No one will understand or accept you as much as a friend will.

Signs He Will Never Truly Commit

Women who want a commitment do not want to waste precious time dating a guy who is never going to make a commitment to them. The problem is, many women do not know how to tell if a guy is willing to make a commitment. So, this article will help you understand the signs and what to do. There are many signs he will never commit, but the biggest signs are shared below.

  • He is not over his ex(es)
  • He will not share his secrets or anything with depth with you
  • He does not want your input on big decisions
  • You have not met his family because he does not want you to
  • He flat out tells you he does not want a relationship or commitment
  • He does not make time for you as if you are an afterthought
  • He never displays jealousy over you
  • He puts no effort into you or being together
  • He only calls late at night, even though he is available earlier

Though one or two of these signs does not mean he is never going to commit, when you get up to 3 or more, it is likely he never will. In fact, if you are looking for signs he may never commit, it is likely you already know he never will. You likely have a bad feeling, are anxious and nervous, or just want to know where things are headed. You may even be wondering if he is cheating because he seems to be losing interest or pulling away. Typically, those women who look for signs are those who cannot figure out where he stands. The truth is, if he says he does not want a relationship, he does not and you should believe him.

There are a million reasons to say he doesn’t want a relationship. It typically boils down to some excuse about not wanting one. No matter the actual excuse, believe what he says and move on if you are interested in someone more committed. Do not get caught up in trying to figure out the excuse or trying to change his mind. This is a losing strategy. When a guy is ready to commit, it comes down to two very basic things. The first is that there is a good vibe to the relationship for him and you. Basically, if things feel good then he will want more of the good feeling. This is necessary, but not enough to cause him to commit. The second aspect that must be there is that you are single and on the market until he locks it down. This is a non-negotiable. If he is not committed to you, then you cannot be fully committed to him. This keeps your options open.

When you make this clear, there are two things that may happen, either he will not commit or he will offer what you want, an exclusive relationship. Either way, you have your answer. If he does not commit, he never will. He is not ready. You will know not to waste time trying to force the matter and move on to someone better. That being said, it is important for women to avoid the attitude that they are owed a commitment for whatever reason. No relationship should begin out of obligation just because you have been dating a certain amount of time. You want him to commit because he wants to and because the relationship is good. He is not taking advantage of you if he doesn’t commit because you have chosen to spend that time with him. Be up front if you want a commitment and if he does not agree then you have the control to walk away.

Commitment is wonderful when both people want to be committed to a better life and happiness. If you both have the desire to do this, you end up with a devoted, lasting commitment that will stand the test of time. A man who views you as his soulmate will want to commit. If he does not, he will move on and you should as well if a sometimes relationship is not what you want.

Find Love and Do Not Lose Hope

Do you ever feel that you are wanting to find the perfect relationship and that you can never really find anyone that is better than your ex? Does this make you worried about loving someone and opening up your heart again?

When you are going through a breakup or when you are seeking to find new love, you have to learn to open up your heart and your mind. Maybe you chose to be single after a breakup or maybe you haven’t found the right person yet.

If you have recently gone through a breakup and your heart is broken, you might have chosen to date for a while just to see and realize that you are not attracted to anyone else that you have met.

Chances are that you have searched for love and that you may have even put your health and other things on the line to try to meet someone new.

Finding Love

You need to believe that even though your heart has been broken and even though you have gone on dates that seem to go nowhere, that you deserve to have love.

You need to believe that love is out there for you and choose not to be afraid that love can find you or that it cannot. Stop looking at every flaw that you have and learn to let people see who you are.

The things in your past might be negative and maybe your breakup was rough, but when you think of love, you need to learn to be compassionate and learn to compromise sometimes. Maybe the relationships that you have had in your past are full of ups and downs and then they all seem to fail.

One difference is that you have to learn to accept and be responsible for the mistakes that you have made in your past relationships. A relationship does not usually end because of one person. You don’t have to bask in your mistakes, but you have to be responsible. Do not be afraid and think you will be alone forever.

Learn to believe in yourself and to trust yourself that you can meet someone that you like and that you can find people that are emotionally available to you.

Knowing that being in a relationship can be hard can allow you to figure out when you meet someone if they are met for you or not. Here are some things you can work on:

  • Set boundaries.
  • Make sure you find someone that has the same values and beliefs that you have.
  • Learn to compromise but not if you see red flags.
  • Learn to find the right person that has the same core values.
  • Make a desired timeline and outcome.
  • Do not fall for the wrong people.

You must believe in who you are and learn to understand what scares you and makes you insecure. Learn to find relationships that are healthy and not just lovers or partners but all of your relationships. Make decisions and trust yourself on these decisions.

When you believe in yourself, you can see that you can create a space around you that is strong. This means even if you are single, you will be strong.

Do not be a victim and blame others for everything that goes wrong in your life but learn to focus on the good things in life and to dig deep inside and understand yourself.

Do not let others cause you to become isolated and pay attention to the feelings and emotions that others have. Learn to be accepting of your own life and your job and your successes.

Relationships can help you to grow and help you to become the person that you want to be.

What You Deserve

When you meet someone, you need to always be clear about what you want. Do not string them along with different ideas but come right out and tell them your values and your ideas in life.

Before you decide they are not meant for you, allow them to spend time with you and see if you see goodness or if you see something isn’t right.

Focusing on Love

Do not feel pressured, even if you are older to find love. When you spend time worrying about finding love, you will see that you are not happy. Find ways to fill your happiness when you are alone and single and then when you meet someone you will not be obligated to give up your happiness.

Find your passions in life and allow the relationships that you have to be healthy. Learn to be comfortable and trusting with yourself and allow abundance of love and all other things to come to your life.

When You Are Unable to Hurt Others

Each relationship is different, and many people wonder if they have a romantic relationship that will last forever when they go through enlightenment and the truth is that there is no real relationship rule for this because each relationship is so different, but the truth is, your life will be better no matter what.

Some people have relationships that go to another level that is better and even perfect at the time. Do not go out and put a lot of stress on your partner or try to get them to change but allow them to do what is good for themselves. Find out what they want and figure out what you want and allow the relationship to be happy and to let the universe have its way in it.

What Will Happen?

There are some things that can happen during your enlightenment including:

  • Their vibrations have to change to match yours, so if you are happy, chances are they will get happy.
  • You will change and you will feel different, but it’s a good things.
  • The relationship will end, and it will open up an area for someone else to come in that fits better with you.

When the first two things happen, this can mean that your relationship will last forever. Do not let your joy end and stop working so hard on your relationship but just be happy with what is going on in your life.

Chances are that you might meet someone that is better than your past relationship. You will find out that if you break up with your current love that you will see that you will feel better and your vibrations will increase. You will reach a new level in your enlightenment and you will want to restore your own self so that you can reach a better relationship.

You have to learn to let your heart go and allow the universe to find someone for you that will share your spiritual journey and will make you feel happiness and peace in your life. Allow your love life to have energy and to help you become the best you can be.

Ended Relationship

If your relationship ends quickly and you find yourself alone, allow yourself to get to know more about what is inside of you. Allow the universe to show up and to bring someone that is more compatible with you. They will share your vibrations, and this will happen at the right time. Do not try to rush this. Learn to enjoy your life and be happy.

Take your happiness and learn to wait for things to come in their own time. Be happy with what you have now and allow it to bring you love. You have time now to make your other relationships better with your friends and your family. Stop trying to attract someone and let the universe send you what you need.


Some people will have to let go of their old relationships because they are changing and moving in a different direction. You want to reach your higher self and if you are going through enlightening and you find that your relationship is not exciting and that the change is great, this can be the universes way of freeing you so that you can find yourself or a new love.

Goodbye Past

It is time to say goodbye to your past. If this includes your relationship, let it go and find that you will make different choices and that your mind will be clearer about the choices that you make.

Was it Love?

Imagine the person that you were with and figure out in your heart if you really thought it was true love. Were you happy and were you feeling the love of your partner?

Being Left

If you are the person that is being left, do not feel surprised, this sometimes happens when you go through change. Do you want someone that really adores you and accepts your change or do you want someone who doesn’t?

Having someone in your life that doesn’t accept your enlightenment will never bring you happiness. You need to find someone that is about you and about you changing and finding your best you. Find someone that wants the best for you.

New Love

New love will come when you have reached where you need to be in life. There is no rule as to when this will happen.

Need to Be Alone

Some people need to be alone during their enlightenment and here are some ways you will know if you need to embrace your solitude for a while:

  • If you keep trying to find alone time and being quiet. If you find your quiet time to be satisfying.
  • If you desire to have time with yourself and you feel that you do not need to be with someone else. Or, if you feel too addicted to someone then you will need alone time to find your wholeness.

Inner Guidance

Do you wonder why changing hurts? This happens because there is something that you are gaining in life that will be much better for you. When you feel temporarily sad or lonely, you will have these feelings, but they will move past you and your feelings will be there to help you change and transition in your new life.

Sometimes going through pain is part of finding who you really are.

Inner Self

Make sure you let go of things around you and you learn to connect with who you are. Life is trying to help you get over negative things and to bring you to peace.

Letting Go

If your heart tells you to let, go of your relationship then chances are that they do not match up to your vibrations. You need to find someone that fits you better or you will never find your greatest calling.

Wonderful Future

There will be something better for you and for the person you are freeing if you let them go. They will be able to find someone that they really fit with.

Staying for the Kids

Do not stay in a relationship for your children. Sometimes you have to go through pain so that you can better yourself. Allow your children to see that.

Teaching Children

When you teach your children to stay with someone just for them, it causes them to believe that they have to suffer in negative situations. Your happiness should not depend on someone else or the approval of others. Find happiness and teach your children to find them.


Your children will learn from you and you need to be real with your children and not try to trick them or give them false hope.

Feeling Right

Do things that make you feel right. If you are always being honorable to others and you need to move on, do it.

Reflection of Evolution

Your relationships should be a reflection of your evolution and your change. When you change relationships, you will see that this should reflect your growth.

Death Do Us Part

If someone thinks that you should judge a relationship based on how long it lasts, that is wrong. You should be with someone that makes you feel good and someone that shares your hopes and your dreams. When you change, your dreams might change, and this might push your partner away.

Never measure a relationship and decide it is good by how long things last. If something ends, then chances are it was not meant to be.


Relationships do not always just end sometimes they just evolve and when you move on away from your partner, this allows them to change and to evolve as well.

Taking a Step Back: Why It Can Be Good

There are times in life when we think things are working out. Perhaps you have chosen a path and gotten into a top school, but things are slowing down, a job cannot be found and now you find yourself crumpled into a pile wondering where it all went wrong. We have all been there, all ready to give up at some point. Still, if we are willing to hang in there, make the twists and turns, things can work out for the best. Even when the past year or longer has been far from easy, there are some lessons to be learned. A few of these lessons are shared below.

It is Okay Not to Know

This is possibly the hardest lesson to learn and accept because we are usually goal-oriented and driven. When we decide on a goal and pursue all that that encompasses we have a focal point, but without a goal, we can start to become depressed, anxious, and even weepy. Still, it is okay not to have a goal, not to know what is next just yet. Keep moving forward, do what you love and stay open to possibilities.

Clean Up the Messes

Before we can move on to another goal or move on in life in general, we must clean up the messes at the present. For some this may mean drawing lines and creating boundaries with those in your life who are too emotionally needy. You need space to do your own thing. While this does not mean cutting everyone off, set and keep clear boundaries. Step away and free yourself to allow time to heal. Work on personal development and talk to others who are trying to improve themselves as well to see what has worked. Take time to focus on your own happiness and worrying so much about making others happy. This requires a great deal of mental energy, pleasing others, but it is okay to be self-focused. Figure out your personal blocks and work on them so you can move forward.

Follow Your Instincts

Though your well-meaning friends and family want to see you safe and happy, sometimes they give you advice that is not necessarily what you need. It may sound logical, but you know in your gut it will not further your goals. While this does not mean you should not find mentors or seek professional advice, take care of yourself along the way as well. Don’t put too much weight into any advice, but follow your gut. Thank people for caring, but choose what to do for yourself.

Big Picture

Even though it may seem like you are taking a step backwards, it is only a negative if you stop trying or learning. A calculated retreat allows you time to find out what did not work, why, and how to correct it. This takes time and a great deal of introspection. Take the time you need to be self-focused and taking care of yourself. For those on the outside, it may look like you are doing nothing, but in the end, the results will be worth it. A setback is not the end, nor does it mean you have failed, just that you are forging a new path.

Signs that Your Relationship Is Not Worth Saving

Being in a bad relationship can make your life hard and can lead even to things such as anxiety and depression. If you are the only person that is putting things into the relationship, it will feel like it is one sided and that will make the relationship tiring and you will never know where it is really heading.

If you are in a relationship that never seems to go anywhere, think if it is really worth being in and worth saving. Here are some signs that you might need to move on:

Avoiding You

If you have a partner that never has time for you and is always spending time with other people, he might not find you interesting or want to be with you. You want to find someone in your life that wants to take time for you.

You Are Different

Loving someone means that you accept them for who they are, and you do not want them to change. If you are with someone that is always wanting you to change or be someone you aren’t, chances are you should leave that relationship.

Go to Person

You should have strong communication with the person you are with and this should be your go to person. You should always be able to open up to this person and if you cannot, there is probably something wrong in your relationship.


When you do communicate with your partner, do you feel that you are always fighting even over dumb things? You should be able to express your feelings without fighting over things.

Heart Strings

As your relationship gets stronger, you should be more in love, but you will get out of the honeymoon phase. If you find that you do not have any sparks after this stage, you might should let this person go and find someone new.

Getting and Not Giving

A relationship should be equal steps on both sides. If this is not happening and you are the only one putting in any effort, you need to either repair your relationship or find someone who appreciates who you are.


Everyday of your relationship is not going to be super exciting but it shouldn’t always be a bore either. If you go for walks together or cook a great meal, there should be some excitement. There has to be effort on both sides to make the relationship work.


Growing in your relationship should be the goal of any healthy relationship. Both you and your partner should always grow together. If you are not inspiring each other and you are growing apart, you may need to end this relationship.


Your partner should not always want to be about you but if a good amount of their time does not include or involve you, chances are that they are not putting effort into knowing you.

Feeling Loved

Being with someone is all about feeling loved and feeling wanted. If you no longer feel that way and you feel that you are always working too hard to feel like you matter, you might need to move on without them.

A relationship should be about being happy and healthy and if you are not in this kind of relationship, consider letting them go and finding someone new.

Giving Your Relationship Some Soul

Everyone wants to be in a relationship where they have a good companion, and they have love. If you are a woman, you will likely be someone that seeks out intimacy and wants to learn to communicate and build a good foundation with your partner.

What other concerns do you have and what does your soul want in regard to your relationship? Chances are you will want to have a relationship that will help you to get closer to your partner, that will allow you to connect with them at a deep level and that will help you to touch each other’s heart and soul. You will want to have this kind of relationship no matter who you are.

When you feed your soul, you will have to be creative and you will want to make sure you have the right things in your relationship so that you can have a meaningful relationship.

Creative Ways to Make Your Partner Your Soul Partner

There are ways that you can work hard to make your partner a soulful partner and here are some of the ways:

What Matters

Always take time each day to ask what matters to your guy. Ask him what he wants in his life, how his day has been or what dreams he has.

Maybe your partner dreamed of having kids or writing a book. Just like your dreams, his dreams are there to help him remember who he wants to be and to help him reach his future. He will accomplish his dreams and fulfill his purpose and he need you by his side.

Soul Food

Take time each day to be creative in how you tell him you love him. Put ketchup on a hotdog that says, “I love you,” or top a plate with sauce.

Food can be special but make it even more special by using it to tell him how much you love him. Let the food satisfy him and leaving him wanting more of you.


Find music to dance for that will make you happy. Find something that helps you dance and feel tender. This can help you to heal in your mind, body, and soul and even in your intimacy.

This music can be groovy, fast, or even slow.

Touch Him

Touch your partner with conversation. Spend hours cuddling him and talking about things that are both important to you and to him. Talk about things from your childhood and ask about his.

Share secrets with your partner that you never shared before. Talk about things in life and find out what is in his heart. Talk about what kind of future you want to have.


Share your dreams and your desires with your partner. Do not forget to leave in the things that scare you or make you happy.

When you share your dreams with your partner, you allow them to share your emotions and to reach each other’s hearts. You can change your relationship by using these things to gain deeper understanding of each other.

This can bring your future and your past together.

Psychic Reading

Take your partner to a psychic reading and get answers to questions you both may have. Maybe he is worried about his career or something in his life or maybe he wants to leave his job.

A psychic is there to help you get answers to questions and to find out what things are hidden deep down inside of you.

Allow your partner to have an open mind and to open his soul so he can gain insight to the different things in his personality and his life.

Since you love him as much as you do, you would give him whatever you could, even the stars if you could. Allow him to understand the energies of the universe and how it affects you and him and your situations. The energies can change the course of both of your lives and be very meaningful to both of you.

Read to You

Ask your partner to read something to you from his favorite book or newspaper. This can be an intimate moment because you are giving him all of your attention. This can also stir your childhood feelings because you are thinking of the times where you used to be read to.

This can be a book of poetry or a book on relationships or a suspense novel. The experience will allow you to both focus on each other and spend time together.

Tracing Roots

Find out the history of your family and your partners family. This will be something fun that you can do together.

You may find out some interesting facts about yourself and your partner and you will see what your partner is all about and this can cause your relationship to grow even more.

The history of your family will not be as important as spending time finding things out together.


If you have your soulmate and are connected with them, you want your relationship to be even deeper. Allow them to fill your soul with happiness and think of creative ways each day to show him how much you want him in your heart.

Tired of Loving You

Does your heartbeat faster and you feel that your life is moving in front of you? You have pain in your body and every part of your soul aches? Do you feel that your attention is focused on yourself so that you do not cry or feel overly sick or exhausted?

Maybe you feel that you are too needy and maybe you want to date more, and you want to have surprises. You might want someone that will spoil you and buy you flowers or text you late at night. Even if you fight, you want to have good morning texts and you want them to tell you how good or bad their day was. You want to be that person they run to when good things happen and when bad things happen.

You might want someone that will grab you and kiss you and hug you. Someone that will grab your waist and twirl you around. You need someone that will kiss you goodbye when they leave.

Chances are that you will want something more than a casual date and you will want to be with someone that wants to talk more about goals and life than about the end credits of a movie. You want someone that is in a relationship that wants to commit and be with you fully.

You deserve to be with someone that wants to be with you and someone that you feel fully about. You want to be with someone that loves you and cares for you and someone that is proud to have you beside of them. Everyone needs to be more than just a booty call. Maybe you want someone that will cuddle with you at night and will kiss you and respect you.

You want someone that loves you and that you believe loves you because they show you who they are, and they want to be close to you. Maybe you are getting tired of fake love and want something different, someone to spoil you and to hug you when you need it without there having to be an occasion.

Love is Tiring

If you are too tired of giving everything and not getting the same in return, chances are you need someone that feels more about you than the person you are with. It can be a tiresome journey to be with someone that makes you feel less important than you are.

You need to feel worthy and to feel that you have love without demanding it. You should never have to put in more effort than your partner and you deserve someone to love you without asking.

Maybe You Loved Me

When you care about someone and you love them, you do not want to ask them to love you back. Maybe you are with someone that you love but you are tired of loving them.