Find Love by Loving Yourself First

People probably hear the phrase to “love yourself first” or that “you must first love yourself  before you can love others.” However, most people don’t understand what that means. Some equate self-love with being selfish and everyone knows selfishness is a downfall to relationships and happiness.

It is true that people need to learn how to love themselves as it is a huge tool for success. The problem is most people have established blocks to doing that without even realizing it. The first thing you have to do is identify these blocks and remove them.

Removing Blocks

There are three major areas where there are blocks to loving yourself. The first is being around toxic people. Many of us have keep toxic people in our lives simply because we don’t know any differently. We think because they are a co-worker or a family member that we must endure. That isn’t true.

One way to start on your self-love journey is to set healthy boundaries. These boundaries establish to others how you expect to be treated. Setting boundaries shows yourself that you deserve to be treated a certain way and shouldn’t settle for less.

This can be really helpful during family gatherings, particularly around the holidays. Many people stress themselves out trying to meet everyone else’s demands without expressing any of their own needs. This can result in misery, depression and a loathing of the holidays when it should be a joyous time.

People should learn that sometimes it is okay to tell family members no, even during the holidays. You don’t have to go to someone’s home if they always treat your poorly. You don’t have to remain quiet if the family event isn’t suitable to your schedule. Your life, schedule and being deserves respect.

A second obstacle in many people’s lives is always believing what others tell them about themselves. If someone says something enough times, we tend to think it’s true. It may not be. People should take evaluations based on the person giving them, their motivation for giving them and actual fact. Step away from the situation to evaluate criticisms objectively. If they have no truth or if the person wasn’t trying to be helpful, dismiss it. Be open to receiving truth and apply it to your life. Changing things are a positive thing, but you must balance it with you are are.

The third obstacle people cope with is forgiving yourself. We all have regrets but many people have trouble letting go and moving on. Hanging onto past mistakes can affect your future because you never allow yourself the opportunity to learn from your past and apply lessons to your future.

How Loving Yourself Affects Your Life

Loving yourself can offer immediate positive results in your life. Learning to love yourself makes you happier and that attracts others. It is a known fact that people are automatically attracted to happy people. This attraction brings more opportunities for love, money, and career.

Producing Self Love

Producing self love takes time but it starts with your mind. A place to start is in your brain. It is proven that 95 percent of all behavior is ruled by what you think. People tend to act out of their mindset and that can produce either positive or negative results.

You can retrain your brain using a couple of methods. One is to close your eyes and take time to talk love to yourself. This can be expressing all your positive qualities, talents or what’s in the deepest part of your soul. Repeating this often will, just like the toxic talk, eventually result in your truly believing it. Then, you will act on it.

Another brain exercise is to imagine your life as you want it. Visulize every detail. Once you visualize it, you will start acting in a way to manifest it.

Making these small changes in your life will bring more self love into your world on a daily life. They will build upon each other once you implement them on a regular basis.

Learning from Losing Your Love

Have you lost someone that you have loved, and it feels like the world has stopped and the sun will never shine again? Do you feel like your nights last forever and they are no longer fun or romantic, but they are dark and scary?

You will feel wounded and like your cut is full of salt. This will leave you feeling uncertain and vulnerable. You have lost the person you love, your best friend and lover and now you aren’t sure what to do next.

When you are in a relationship that is good, you expect that your partner will be with you forever. You forget not to take for granted this relationship and you never imagine that your life will be without them.

Maybe you have been going on a couple of months since you have lost your loved one and maybe you are seeing now that you have to learn to move on and make life better.

There are things you can learn when you lose someone you love:


You have to learn to remember what you appreciated about your love. You have to realize that you were on a journey with this person and it was amazing and different. It was different than any journey that others had, and you should appreciate that these memories exist.

You have to realize that you cannot compare yourself to others and you cannot compare your relationship to anything else. You have to remember that spending time with the person you love is what you are meant to do, and you never should feel like love was less than someone else’s.

The great thing about love is that it is unique and in your life it can be successful.


You will have change in your life. Having change is not always fun but you have to accept it and know that you will be okay.

Relationships change as time changes and you will see that changes are a new way of living. Once you realize this, you learn to be more respectful and love the things that you are doing in your life.


When you think of the loss that you have inside of you, think of what your life would have been like if they hadn’t been part of it.

Remember to be thankful for that person in your life and what they showed you. Imagine what your life could have been. Even in separation you have found that you had someone that loved you and made life fun.

Stop thinking about bad things in your relationship and remember that you need to be thankful for what you have.


Learn to create an adventure in your life. When you get into a relationship, chances are you lose your time and passions.

You have to learn to be somewhat independent because this is healthy, and you have to live your passions and be truthful with who you are.

Being in a good relationship makes space in your life and it allows you to be together.

Don’t Look Back

You cannot change what happens in your life and you have gone through things so that you can grow.

You will be who you are meant to be, and you need to be thankful for the relationship and what it taught you. Never look back and be distracted by your past.


Make a choice to be positive and to find positive things about others. Know that people are different and unique and that they have flaws.

Even flaws are unique. If you find that you have broken up with someone you love, remember the things that made your relationship and your life unique and know that it was special.


Be open and caring of others. Listen to what people are telling you. Have empathy towards others and pay attention to those that are listening to you. Share your emotions with other people and always be present.


Let people find their own way. Love them along the way but if they want to be let lose, let them. If they want to walk away, it is their choice and maybe the world has more to offer you. Let it go and grow.

Nature of Love

Understand that your relationship will be full of emotions and feelings. Life is one of the things that dictates your life.

Accept that things in your journey often change and there will be times when one will carry the relationship and it will be normal and healthy and then there will be times where it is a struggle.

Being partners means that there is going to be a story.


Some of the happiest people in life never stop trying new things. If you want to have a strong relationship with someone, learn to explore life and do new things.

Never get stuck in one place and even if you have not done something before, open up and try it. Learn to take chances and have an open mind.


Write down things. Sometimes you are busy, and you forget to communicate with others. Write a note or a text to someone you love and let them know you are thinking about them and how much they mean to you.


Learn to communicate with people and understand them. Even if you seem to speak different languages, learn to communicate openly, and figure out how to talk to others.

Learn to be effective in what you say and make sure your partner understands you. Ask people if they want to talk to you and be sensitive. If they don’t want to, respect that. Enjoy talking and understanding each other without criticism.


Stop fighting in your relationships. Whatever fights you have, put them down at the end of the day before you go to sleep.

Do not hold a grudge. Doing this is part of your ego and it is not good. Holding onto hurt will only cause hurt in the end and you are better than that.

Learn to love each other and whatever fights you have, let them go. Learn to forgive and forget. Make this a choice.


Set goals with your partner. This will help you to be closer and to grow together.

Learn to set new goals all the time and when you finish this together, celebrate it. This will inspire you to set more goals and to reach them.

Goals can help you find your way and share things together.


You were not born to love everyone so stop thinking that people should have to love you. Learn to love and when you learn to love you will learn to listen and you will learn how to fight with them and learn to make them smile and learn what their language is.

Stop waiting for someone to love you and learn to build on love.


Being vulnerable is scary but you have to take chances if you love someone. Learn to bond with your partner and be more open. When you open up, they will open up and this will get rid of fear and doubts.

When you are vulnerable, it shows someone how much you love and trust them.

Lip Service

Sex is something that makes everyone vulnerable, but it also leads to laughter and fun. When you are having sex, it means you want to be one and you will share this bonding love and develop your heart.

Sex is about two people being vulnerable with each other and sharing themselves. Do not be fearful of sex and let someone accept you for who you are.

What It’s Not About

Your relationship is not about what you wear, what you drive and who you will become. It is not about you look or how perfect you are.

Love is about celebrating your mistakes and flaws and it is about being the best person you can be. Love is imperfect and free. When you find that person that you love, make sure they love you for who you are, and you love them for who they are.

Love should have no judgment.

Newton’s Law

Newton says that when an object is resting it will not move unless something moves it. This should apply to your relationship too.

If you do nothing in a relationship, you will be stuck there. Before you lose what, you have, learn to act on your relationship and take notice of the small things you accomplish together. Be victorious together and see that your relationship can be strong.

Learn to work together and deepen the bond and connection you have with your partner and you will be closer to them than ever before.

On and Off Again Relationships

Do you feel like your relationship is going great and then all of a sudden you have the urge to break up with them? Then a couple of days later, you decide to get back together?

On and off relationships mean that there are problems that are not solvable. When you find that you have the same issues over and over again, it means that you or your partner are not willing to compromise and it can be a good time for the relationship to come to a real end.

If you want to have a future with your partner, you should not have to be in a relationship where things are disrespectful or where things are unstable or uncertain.

If you are in a relationship right now and you wonder if you should move forward or let them go, you have to figure out what the relationship means to you and figure out if you are willing to take advice from others or if you are just going to deal with the on and off relationship.


One of the reasons that most people stay in a relationship that doesn’t work is because they are afraid of being alone. They might stay with their partner because they are afraid that any other relationship would be the same.

They might see their future in a different version of what they are in and so they stay with their partner for all the wrong reasons.

If you get together, it will seem that it would be easier than just starting over and this is a stigma that many people seem to face.

If you are stuck in a toxic relationship, this is something that you can allow yourself to get stuck in.

Maybe you have been together with someone for years and you feel that if you are fighting or not getting alone, it is still too hard to leave.


The key to any good relationship is to communicate. You have to be able to talk and figure out if you are a good match for your partner.

Think about the issues that you are facing and if they are too many or too much, maybe saying goodbye is the best idea.

If you have a boyfriend that has completely different values or the ideas of the future than you, settling down and getting married might not be the goal that you want to set.

Being to the point where you are sick and tired of the fighting might push you to let things go and to realize that neither of you are willing to compromise.

Having a relationship only for sex can cause you to question if you are making bad choices. If he cannot support, you or make you happy then you will realize that things will not work out well and you can choose to walk away.

Gut Feeling

Pay attention to what your gut is telling you and if your gut tells you it is time to walk away, do it. DO not ignore your gut and do not settle. Stop investing your life for people that are not willing to invest back to you.

When you find love and do not expect it, it can be a great thing. You will see that your life can work out and your relationship can be strong.

Learn to be on the same page with the person you want to date and if things do not feel real or feel off, get away while you can. Do not be with someone because you feel better than being alone.

If you feel that things are not going in the direction you want them to, it is probably best to move on in your relationship.

Standing Up for Who You Are

Being comfortable does not make a relationship great. When you find out that your communication with your partner is not what you thought, it can cause you to look differently on your relationship.

You should never settle in a toxic relationship and you need to understand that being familiar does not always make a relationship happy.

Whatever you need in your life can come to you, but you have to get out of relationships that are unhealthy and depressing. When you learn the importance of seeing your worth, you will realize that you can stand up for yourself and find someone that makes you feel loved and special.

Even if you have dated someone for a long time, learn to move forward or to hold on but do not settle for an on and off again relationship. Even if you are sad to let them go, it can be the best thing for you.


Each relationship is going to be different and it is important to make sure that you have goals to work towards. Make sure that you are with someone that makes you happy and makes you feel safe and if not, learn to say goodbye and move forward in your life.

Dating a Friend

Relationships are hard and when a friendship begins to be a romance, this can be a hard and tricky change for you and your partner. When you have a friendship that is on the line, dating your friend that you have known for years can be one of the best things ever, but it can also be the scariest things ever.

Deciding if you are going to date might be the hardest thing. You might be worried that they will not return your feelings or that you will lose your best friend in the process.

Even though none of us know the future, some people believe that it is possible to date a friend but if they do not return your love, you can still salvage the friendship.

There are always going to be challenges in dating and this can be even more challenging when you are dating a friend. Sometimes, some believe that when you want to fall in love, nothing is better than being more than friends.

Pros and Cons of Dating a Friend

Before you tell your friend that you love them, you have to figure out all of the outcomes that could happen. You might feel that being romantically involved with your friend is not worth it because it could end with hard feelings.

Or if you decide to pursue it, make sure that you are accepting of the different outcomes that could happen and you take a chance that they might not like you beyond a friend.

Signs They are Interested

You can tell if someone is interested or has feelings for you and even if you think someone is attracted to you, make sure that you are making the right decision before you make a move.

If you have been friends with someone for a long time, make sure that your partner is really interested in you.

Here are some signs that he might be into you:

  • They want to spend more time with you than with their friends.
  • They are intimate in their details.
  • They want to meet the family.
  • They get jealous of other people.
  • They flirt.
  • They touch or make eye contact.


Telling your crush your feelings can cause them to be caught off guard and can cause there to be pressure. Make sure that you are going to stay friends no matter what. If you are going to try to take things to the next level, tell your friend that you just want to share what you are feeling and you do not expect them to feel the same.

Your friend deserves to have time to think things over. Give them time and space to figure out what they want and do not be mad at them if they tell you no.

Turned Down

One of the worst things that can happen is if your crush does not feel the same about you. Maybe they will tell you that they just want to be friends and they just love hanging out.


There are going to be challenges in all relationships and friends first couples might have more hurdles.

Being a great friend can mean that there are strong feelings but if you like them and they are mutual in their feelings, they can date and there might be romance involved. The problem is, what if attraction is missing and what if you later realize that you are not in love with them, but you just wanted to be with them because you enjoyed them.

Breakups are hard and breaking up with someone that was a close friend can feel like you have lost everything. It can be harder and more emotional. When you realize you do not love them, it can break their heart and be one of the hardest things you ever have to say.

It is possible to stay friends after a breakup but once you were friends and you dated, things will never be the same and it will be hard to keep the friendship together after you break up.

If he or she begins to date someone new, this an make it even harder because they have to share the hard relationship part with each other, and it will feel like you have lost a friend and a lover.

Best Case

On the other side, if your friend becomes your partner and you end up having a long-term relationship, what could be better.

Going from friends to romance can have great benefits such as you always being honest with each other, the trust that comes with being friends and learning to see each other in different lights. You already know them as your friend and now you get to know them more.

Transform Your Relationship

Conflict happens in many conversations and you can tell that there is going to be conflict almost right when someone starts to talk. When people are married, most of the time when divorces happen it happens because of arguments and conflicts that people cannot seem to get past.

It seems that most of the conversations start the same and end up in a fight. When you start a conversation aware of what you are going to say or if you decide that you are going to allow the emotions of your partner or your own emotions to trigger you to be defensive, it can cause conflicts with your partner.

When you are aware of what you are feeling when you talk to someone, you allow there to be a softer way to communicate. This can cause you to have a more intimate connection.

There are times when you feel that you are going to have a conversation and it is going to be biased and cause you to be against them in the conversation. When you have this bias, you will see that you will react to something and often not even realize the strong response that you are having. Once you realize this is happening, you can change the way that you talk to your partner.

First, being gentle is a way that you can soften the conversation from the beginning. You have to learn to be receptive and to share what you are feeling with an open area that you can say what you need to each other. You can state your perspective, but you also have to learn to accept what your partner is saying without blaming them or making them feel wrong because of their point of view.

When you approach a conversation in a hurry or being upset, it can cause you to be defensive and protective and this does not allow you to have empathy for other people or to hear what they want to say to you.

Approaching a conversation aggressively will make you feel upset and will put you and your partner in the defensive mode and cause them not to be able to hear what you or they are trying to say.

You have to learn to stop being blunt and stop approaching conflict in a way that the conversation will spiral out of control. Doing this will make your partner feel like you are blaming them or them being afraid to talk to you because they don’t know how you will react.

Conversations that have a lot of tension will cause there to be an immediate disconnect instead of a connection that can leave you feeling loved and heard. We have to decide what kind of cycle we are going to have when we decide to converse with people. Will you leave them feeling loved and protected or unloved and not valued?

No matter what kind of conversation you are having, you need to have a good intention. Look inside of yourself and figure out what you are doing wrong and figure out how to approach communication in the right way. Put your heart into the conversation and have patience and be aware as to how you are making the other person feel. Is your conversation coming from your heart? If the answer is no, this can lead to disagreements.

Change the way that you talk to people and this can make your relationship different. There are ways that you can soften yourself so that your relationship can be stronger.


Be aware of what you are feeling before you start talking to your partner. Make sure you are not having conversations where you are accusing them or if it is a touchy topic, be careful how you react.

Being aware is the key to being able to focus on what you are saying and being aware of what your heart is feeling. If you start talking and you realize you are feeling in a bad mood or you are angry, this is not the best time to talk to your partner.

Imagine the times where you have talked to someone and you have acted aggressively or angrily because you did not create a safe space to talk and you were not able to handle your emotions well. When you are aware of what you are doing, you will be aware of when the right time to talk is.

Slow Down

One reason that conflicts come in communication is because the conversation moves too fast. When you are reacting in this way, it can cause you not to be able to fix the problem. Even though you feel like you are responding from the right place in your heart, you have to make sure that you and your partner are being heard.

Slow down and figure out what you are really feeling. Explore your feelings inside and do not hide your emotions even when they are upsetting. Let your partner know what you are feeling and identify if you are happy, sad or even mad.

When you slow down, you allow your mind to connect with your body and you learn to express yourself without being so vulnerable. This can cause you not to accuse and to share your emotions in a compassionate and connected way.


Sometimes when we argue we think we are solving problems. We cannot do this if we do not understand things from our partners point of view. We do not always have to explain ourselves but sometimes we need to step back and allow our partner to be heard.

Make sure you are actively listening to what they are trying to tell you, and this can build trust and intimacy in your relationship. Do not interrupt and do not explain things, just allow them to talk.

When they finish speaking, repeat what they are sharing with you and let them know you heard them. Your partner wants to know that you are connected with them and this can bring a level of intimacy that you may not have had in the past.


These practices will help to save you from arguing and having terrible conversations. Learn to connect with your partner and to feel intimate with them both in body and in conversation. This can be impactful in your relationship and can allow there to be a beauty when you speak and communicate with each other.

Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships can be one of the hardest ways of loving someone because living far away can take away from your relationship. The truth is thought, a long-distance relationship can work and people even far away from each other can make things work out well.

When you have dated someone for a long time, you might see that time separates you and that it makes things harder but you know that you can live a happy and long life together as long as you work hard towards it.

Even though you will miss the person that you are in a relationship with, you can have peace in knowing that your life with them can work out and that you can love each other regardless of distance.

It would come to a point where you can face challenges and frustration when long distance dating is happen and you might not be able to see each other nearly as much as you want to but the bond can still be strong.

If you want to be with someone that is far away from you, you have to understand that you might face a point where you have different life paths and where you have different areas that you live in. This can cause you to worry and not to be sure of the future.


Once you realize that you can be a victim or you can work things out, you can learn that distance does not always affect your relationship, but it can make you stronger. There are some things you can learn to help you in your long-distance relationship that can make you stronger such as:


When you are in a long-distance relationship, communication is the key. You have to learn to laugh and have meaningful communication with your partner. Even when you are fighting, you should call them and talk to them.

Do little things such as send out postcards and pictures of yourself to your partner so that they can have things from you while they are far away from you.

Know that you will not always hear from each other on a daily basis due to schedules and time but you have to do what you can to make sure that you are available to each other and that you are able to understand the struggles and the problems with long distance dating.

By being open in communication, the lines of distance will not keep you upset, and you will be able to be a team and get closer to each other.


When you doubt your partner because you are not close to each other, you have to challenge these doubts. Why are you having them? You have to know that you can trust your partner and if you cannot then doubt will creep in.

When you have love and laughs together, it can make things easy but when things get hard and doubt starts to set in, you have to learn to see things from a different point of view.

Be Clear

Take time to be clear on what you want. You cannot make this person out to be better than you and a superhero and you have to know that just like you, they are human.

Learn about each other and learn to not be afraid to show your flaws. There will be challenges in all relationships and when you learn to put your mind together you will see that you can create a future together, even if it only starts as a vision. Learn to respect each other with your whole heart.


Each time you can spend time together, make sure that it is quality time and that you treat each other good and you laugh, a lot. Make sure that you act like a friend and a lover and not an enemy when you spend time together rather over the phone or in person.

Visit them as much as you can and save money so that you can visit more. Spend time together as a couple when you are with them and make sure that you do not let the distance get in your way. Learn that distance is not equal to emotions and that you have to learn to accept the hard times as well as the good times.


There are ways that you can be happy with the distance and you have to learn to understand what the challenges are and how you can fight against them. If you love this person, you have to learn to accept that there is distance between you and let it bring you together instead of apart.

Causes of Psychic Awakening

Psychic awakenings are real, but most are not aware of what really causes one. Since we are all born with intuition, it is there, but most of us are taught to ignore this intuition in favor of logic. Some people are also naturally psychic, but their intuitive gifts are never utilized which is relatively sad. This is leaving the most magical parts of ourselves on the table, untouched. Sometimes, we find this ability and take hold of it in such a way that life is better than ever imagined. This is often due to a psychic awakening.

There are several causes or reasons for a psychic awakening that reminds us of the ability that was born in each of us. These are shared below.

Trauma or Near-Death Experience

There are a few people who have had their psychic awakening following something traumatic. One medium had her awakening following a severe car accident that left her comatose, another also had an accident that caused his gifts to be awakened. Accidents are sometimes a doorway that allows our psychic and/or mediumship abilities to be opened up and revealed. There is no deep understanding of why this is often the case, but one theory is that a near-death event forces us closer to the Spirit and serves as a reminder that we are spiritual beings.

Along the same lines, trauma, such as illness or even abuse, can cause a psychic awakening. Those who have battled a long-term illness can learn to recognize their abilities as they recover. Victims of abuse learn to rely on intuition for survival at times and this builds the connection to the spirit. They then become more sensitive to energy that surrounds people and things, increasing ability.

Death of a Loved One

When a loved one passes it is one of the most difficult experiences we can have. For some, knowing about the afterlife helps them feel closer to the divine and they are able to live a more authentic life following the death of someone close. This puts them in touch with inner feelings that can lead to a psychic awakening. This can happen for two reasons.

The first is that losing a loved one can cause people to seek spiritual comfort and in doing so rediscover their own divine essence, connecting with the soul. This is where intuition is found. The other is that after a loved one passes, the people left behind may begin to notice an increase in psychic ability as they start receiving “signs from their loved one”. This recognition of signs from above can heighten personal sensitivity to all spirit type energy.

New Birth

Many people, predominantly women, will notice an increase in intuition after a new baby is born or adopted. They will know intuitively what a child needs or wants. This is a natural, intuitive doorway to the intuitive realm and spirit.


Sometimes healings, those that are spiritual in nature, can ignite psychic ability. Things like past life regression, cranial sacral therapy, and other spiritual healing forms can shift consciousness and awaken psychic gifts.

Are You in a Relationship with an Old Soul?

There will come a time in most of our lives when we meet someone who feels familiar, like we have known them before even if it is a first meeting. We will have no way to logically explain the feeling, yet we may sense that something life changing is about to happen. These souls, regardless of actual age, race, or gender, show up spontaneously and create profound ripples that carry for years. All of this happens with a quiet word and loving presence. This person is likely an old soul.

Old Soul Defined

There are certain people in life who have outlooks and perspectives that vary greatly from most. These people perceive the world through the weathered eyes of an old person, not a young person. These people are often said to be wise beyond their years and may feel somewhat alienated from others. Still, there is a profound interconnectedness with life and a deep understanding even when they are children. The old soul is a natural sage, counselor and mystic that can provide guidance and support to others for a lifetime.

Having someone who is an old soul be part of your life is a huge blessing, yet it is very easy to take for granted. If you are fortunate enough to be part of this type of relationship, express gratitude for all the guidance and support they provide. If you are not sure you are in a relationship with an old soul, then look for the following signs.


An old soul tends to mimic behaviors of old people. They like to relax and unwind at home without a need to go out often. The mind is much more stimulating than the rest of the world, so why go out. If you are with an old soul, they will prefer to stay home.


Old souls are refreshed by solitude and find it restorative in nature. This is where they feel in touch with the core of life. Because of this, the old soul is content to spend long periods of time alone without concern. Since they have limited psychological energy to begin with, the old soul is thankful for alone time spent reading, tending gardens, or even completing a small project.

Little Things

Old souls treasure the little things in life and the small moments. They may place importance on watching a specific show together or long walks. The commonplace moments of intimacy are what they delight in as they see them as sincere. Knowing life is unpredictable, the old soul realizes transience in everything. This is why it is important to capture simple joys when possible.


Old souls walk to their own, quiet drums. This is their nature. Since they have different outlooks from most, they see the fallacies of social conditioning and seek truth that is often obscured. This may cause them to be odd in their fashion choices, mannerisms, beliefs, and perspectives. While they still appreciate tolerance and acceptance in relationships, it may be of eccentricities.

Profound Connections

For a relationship with an old soul to be successful, you must know the old soul is not about superficial connections. Old souls want to connect on deep, profound levels so the deepest of thoughts, dreams, and perspectives can be shared. This will bond you and them. Without this type of connection, they will move on.


Old souls are great teachers. Whether you need to learn to be empathetic, learn to accept others and yourself, or learn to be more gracious, an old soul can help. Old souls serve as both lovers and teachers, companions and mentors. While this odd mixture can cause problems, it can also be a perfect combination for long term happiness. Even if the relationship with an old soul ends, you will likely still admire and feel grateful for them and the lessons they taught.

There When Your Need It

Old souls are often a rock unless teaching you about fortitude or resilience. They are in it for the long haul, through thick and thin, even when life is unpredictable. Their ability to stay calm can get you through the darkest times of life allows you to trust immensely.

Elegant Taste

Many old souls are not really romantic in the traditional sense, but when they make an effort, their approach has that old world charm. They delight in sensitivity and symbolism. They may kiss your hand, pick a single flower, light candles, or offer jewelry as a symbolic piece. Whatever they choose to do, it will be full of meaning and significance.

No Games

Many couples get wrapped up in relationship ‘games’ that they believe create drama, but the old soul is not interested in playing or enabling such. If you are in a relationship with an old soul, expect a stern response to such games. They give and expect respect and will not waste time with such things.

Brutally Honest

Old souls appreciate and expect honesty for a loving, balanced relationship. If you are with an old soul, they will put emphasis on honesty from you and themselves. They will share whatever is on their mind and expect you to do the same.

May Seem Indifferent

The old soul does not see life as serious as others. They understand the reality of impermanence, so they never get overly attached to much of anything, whether good or bad. This can be interpreted incorrectly as being uncaring, but they are simply enjoying their balanced ride in their way.

Give and Expect Freedom

The best thing about being with an old soul is that they give you freedom over yourself and prefer you do the same for them. They want you to do your own thing without condition, but want you to be honest about it. They will be supportive of dreams and endeavors, but you must do the same for them if it is to last.

Unconditional Love

Old souls are able to accept most things pretty easily. While they may love you no matter what because they see your inner beauty, they will not be used. The get that a healthy relationship is about give and take, but if you are selfish or cheating and do not correct it, they will not be a martyr.

Less Likely to Cheat

Old souls are not saints, but they are not always that interested in sex or cheating. They prefer to be drama and conflict free, at least as much as possible. The old soul will be more likely to share feelings and thoughts with a partner than sexual acts. They are sexually active, but are rarely libido controlled.


Old souls will always give more than they take. If you are with an old soul, they will leave you feeling smarter, better, and an improved version of yourself, even if you do not stay together.


Take the time to think of all your old soul friend or partner has done for your life and enriched your world. Think about expressing thanks for all they do and have done because it is easy to take for granted. Enjoy this special opportunity to connect with someone so special before the mindlessness of life gets in the way.

Long Distance Relationships that Work

We are very connected in our world and we have the chance to meet new people and to find people all over the world. We don’t have to wait to find love because of the lack of opportunity and sometimes you can even find love thousands of miles away from where you live.

Having a long-distance relationship used to happen and people had a hard time making it work. Someone might move far away for a job or go into the military. People would have to learn to adapt to these changes and make room in their heart for this to be.

Now, we can have long distance relationships and with things such as the internet, we can even meet people purposefully that life far away.

There are challenges that long-distance relationships have that regular ones do not have but you can make it work if you try.

Here are some challenges with long distance relationships:

  • Having money to travel to where the new love lives.
  • Negotiating distances.
  • Not having long face-to face time.
  • Having trouble with the view of the relationship.
  • Having strong emotions.

Finances are a big deal when you are involved in a long-term relationship because flying is expensive and even if you drive, it can be costly buying food and having a place to stay when you visit.

It can be hard to manage a long-term relationship and people can sometimes get jealous because they do not get to hang out with your friends and get to know them. They might face a lot of complaining and they will lack in the intimate relationship that comes when you begin to fall in love.

By having boundaries and understanding, long term relationships can come but there will always be a chance of problems.

Expectations and Reality

We spend a lot of time with someone we are with and long-term relationships are not like that. You will not have the great sex or the romantic dinners that cause there to be more bonding. You will have expectations and will often be disappointed because things won’t be how you imagined them to be.

It is hard to dismiss the feelings when a relationship is growing, and this can cause trouble with distances. You will have stress of missing each other and even if you are committed it can be questionable because you don’t see how your partner is acting.

Research shows that you will have feelings of excitement, joy, anger, jealousy and other things that can cause a fight in a long-term relationship.


You can be successful and happy even though there are challenges in long term dating. Even if you are living close together does not mean your relationship will work and things just take time. You need to have open communication and that will bring success.

Always keep positive feelings and feel safe and secure unless they give you a reason to no. Learn to communicate over the phone and on facetime or other video chats rather than just texting. It is important that you will see each other, even if it is on video streaming. You can also save money so that you can meet up regularly.

The regular rules apply just like if you are in a close term relationship such as being open in communication, be clear about your needs, have trust, be intimate and always be kind and loving. When you talk on the phone, make sure that you are not making an option but a priority.


Long distance relationships are not as personal, but you can make them as personal as you can by communicating and having positive emotions. Treat them the same way that you would if someone lived close to you and you can see the relationship work.

Being Straightforward in Dating

There are some struggles with being someone is straightforward and here are some things that can happen when you are this type of person.


There are many rules that you feel that you have to follow.  Stop following so many rules and playing hard to get, be more straightforward.


Dating rules are not always helpful and can waste your time.

Pick-Up Lines

You don’t care if there is a weird pickup line on a dating site, it just helps you get rid of the creepy people.


Stop taking so much time to communicate back and forth.  If texting is a problem for you, pick up the phone and call him.


When you are mad at someone that you are dating, don’t give hints, let them know what is going on and tell them why.


Having openness is good for you and it allows you to handle your issues.  But when you tell people that you are so open, it makes them think you might be a little crazy.

Liking You

You are okay with people not liking you and you will get over it if someone cancels on you.  You will not want to waste their time if they don’t like you.


You don’t always want to be romantic and sometimes you want to just have a drink.  You don’t have a problem telling someone that.


Being backwards does not let people see that you are cool, you don’t care though, just give yourself a drink.

Social Media

You have more fun on social media than you do actually dating or dating sites.


Even back in the day of AOL, you were kind of boring when you chatted.  You felt that people should just get to the point.


You make it clear when you want someone to do something with you and the rest of the time you are flexible.  You always have something going on anyways and you are always busy.  You don’t want them to think that there is anything wrong with you wanting your guy or girl around for your special moments, though.


You are not bossy; you just know what you want, and you are willing to ask for it. This isn’t ridiculous or selfish, just who you are.

Dating Rules

You think some dating rules are ridiculous and they turn you off.


You give your friends advice, but you want to give advice of “why are you wasting your time,” or “they aren’t good enough for you.”  You have a long list of your own rules, but you don’t think that people should go out with someone that is sending bad vibes.


You respond to texts days later and you say, ‘sorry I meant to respond to this.”

Romantic Gifts

You like gifts like flowers and chocolate, but nothing is better than a note or someone telling you how much they like you.  You wish that people were more honest, and you want to be attracted to people that are real and not fake.